Toni's Scraparoni

Monday, November 3, 2008

Scraparoni Livin' Large!

Hi, everyone!

Told you not to worry, as we have a terrfic new home with Farrah and the rest of the lovely ladies at Designer Scraps Livin' Large. Though it may take Farrah a couple of days to get all of the kits uploaded, you'll find my part of the store here.

I've revamped the previews of the existing kits, but the names haven't changed in order to to protect the innocent. LOL! Hope you'll like the new format. Didn't want you to think the kits were any different just because the preview pics are. ;)

Next up on the agenda are a couple of small projects, then back to work on the holiday kits I'd had underway before I was so rudely interrupted. ;)

Also, since I'm no longer limited to making only tagger size kits, I plan to grant the requests I've had for full-size kits and make everything in BOTH sizes, beginning with the new year. Hoping you'll like that formatting decision, as well.

Thanks again, so very much, to all of you who commented and/or emailed with your support and encouragement. It's appreciated more than you know! :)

1 comment:

Faerie said...

I was thrilled to see Farrah's announcement that you were now @ Livin' Large!
Clapping Furiously!!!
I've missed you.