C'mon, gang, let's show some restraint. Hee hee! Presenting the next in the naughty collection, Bound 2 Please - pun very intended! ;)
I wanted to provide different and mix-n-matchable (is that even a word? ;) styles, so I elected to do them as templates only. They're super easy to use! Overlay some color and you're ready to go. Everything is saved on separate layers in .PSD format. Volume 1 contains fuzzy, leather and all-out diamond dazzlers. Volume 2 contains leather, furry and crystal cuffs.
Find Volume 1 here and Volume 2 here. 35% off through April 15th.

Grab your freebies here and here.
Hope you'll like and enjoy! Just don't ask me to come over and unlock them for you. ;)
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Apr. 11, 2010. Thanks again.
I love reading your blog. You have such a great sense of humor! (Plus you make the greatest doodles!) And don't worry, since you said not to, I won't ask you to come and unlock those great handcuffs you so graciously provided! LOL! Thanks for making me smile and for the awesome freebies!
For some reason 4 share is not playing well tonight. May be my internet provider. Regardless, I'll be back later to see if I can download those handcuffs. I really need 'em! LOL!
I'm giggling my head off here at these handcuffs and whips. My friend decided to get into bondage and become a slave. She must of been mad.
Thing is we do have a whip in the living room. It was bought to make a scourge with for ritual purposes only. Like the one Osaris holds in Egyptian mythology.
You really have made my day seeing this lot. I'm sure the tag ladies will have heaps of fun with these brilliant designs.
Love to you and angel blessings xx
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